NUI Shibori aka Stitched Shibori explained
Shibori is an ancient Japanese resist dyeing technique. We have already skimmed the surface of how Itajime Shibori is made. Today we will aim to do the same with Nui Shibori.
With Nui Shibori, one stitches the sections where they don't want dye to penetrate. This is the one technique where the artist has comparatively more control over the final out come. Using this technique, one can achieve forms and definite lines on the fabric.
To begin with, it is always good to have a plan or design in mind. After deciding on the design, it is then traced onto the fabric.

Post this, the artist stitches versions of the running stitch along or over the design that they want to create. One end is knotted and the other is left loose. It is important to make sure that no lines cross over each,other or intersect.

Once all the stitching is done, the loose threads are then pulled tight, which results in the fabric gathering tightly. they are then secured but tying the threads to each other. The tighter the gathers, the better the chance of your design showing.

Now comes the dyeing part. Depending on the kind of cloth that one is using the dyes will defer. Silk and wool (animal fibers) use acid dyes, where as Cotton, linen and jute can be dyed using either reactive or direct dyes.

Once the piece is dyed, carefully remove the stitches using a small scissor. It is very important to take time to do this step properly.

Once the piece is opened and free of knots, it is hung in the shade to dry and is ready to be used.

Hope you enjoyed this simple introduction to Nui Shibori!
Shibori in a nutshell :)